We hosted our third rendition of Co-labs Coworkings’ legendary Let’s Get Quizzical: Trivia Night and what an amusing session it was, filled with laughter and positive vibes. Our Community even managed to expand their general knowledge from the questions they were queried on. The event took place at 3 Co-labs Coworking locations: The Starling Plus, Shah Alam, and Naza Tower.
The night was hosted by our bubbly Community Specialist, Darren Fong, captivating the crowds with his witty commentary and jokes. The event began with a scrumptious dinner catered by Sambal Inc, partnered with an array of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. After dinner, we proceeded the night with an ice-breaking session for our guests to familiarize themselves with each other. Each person was instructed to draw their favourite “Spirit Animal” and had to find someone else that drew something similar.
Once our wonderful guests were well acquainted with each other, we proceeded to begin with the Trivia Night Questions. There were a total of 5 Categories: 90s, Mathematics, International Food & Drinks, Negaraku Malaysia, and TV & Film. Each category had a total of 10 questions. At this moment, thinking caps were put on as our guests thought hard to answer questions that were asked by our Trivia Master, Darren.

Once all questions were answered by each team, the revelation of answers was up next. Anxiety and excitement exuded from the crowd, unsure if they had submitted the correct answer or not. As Darren unveiled each correct answer, cheers of excitement and positive energy filled the air but of course, slight disappointment occurred here and there when an answer wasn’t answered correctly. Nonetheless, positive vibes and a sense of comradery was achieved as the night went on.

The moment everyone had been waiting for, the announcement of the winners. Our team was so excited to announce our Let’s Get Quizzical: Trivia Night winners to close the night. What would a Trivia Night be without prizes? Each winning team were awarded prizes from our wonderful sponsors: Vivae Board Game Cafe, Meeples – European Boardgame Cafe, Loka Made, Starbucks & ZUS Coffee.
Let’s Get Quizzical: Trivia Night Winners

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